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Pepper Smile

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This piece is done as the theme image for my upcoming artbook project - THE PEPPER PROJECT. All artists are invited to create their own artworks of Pepper!

Find out more in my journal.

Done in Painter IX. 7 hours.

Wallpaper can be found here > [link]
Image size
600x900px 180.07 KB
© 2007 - 2024 Artgerm
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Blueoriontiger's avatar

Years ago I remember when you had your art book selling on Amazon, I regret not grabbing it at the time. I'll say 2014.

However, I remember a very notable review about some Christian lady mad that the art inside, that it wasn't "kid suitable". I gave her a mouthful about how big you were on dA, and how it was an iconic character. I never could find the review back, but I do believe she deleted it.

That comes to mind every time I see this specific image of Pepper.